Governor Christie wants Jersey voters, not the Legislature, to decide whether gay marriage should be allowed in the Garden state.

During a question and answer session with reporters after his latest town hall meeting in Bridgewater, the Governor said he still opposes same sex marriage -and if a gay marriage bill reaches his desk he’ll veto it – but instead of that scenario playing out, “let’s let the people of New Jersey decide what’s right for the state – let’s put the question of same sex marriage on the ballot – this fall – in the hands of the people…I support giving New Jerseyans the ability to give voice to their support or their opposition to this issue.’

The Governor says “let’s stop treating this like a political football and let’s let the people of New Jersey decide – that way those who are in favor and those who are opposed will have the opportunity to make their case…. .I would certainly be willing to be governed by the decision of the people of the state…this issue is too big and too consequential not to trust the people who will be governed ultimately by any change in law or maintenance of the current law.”

He points out because there is a Presidential election this year “we have the most people voting this fall – it’ll be the most people having an opportunity to weigh in on this important issue – let’s let people decide…advocates for and against same sex marriage can have the opportunity to make their case to the broadest sector of our population – and let people decide- this is too big a change, in my view, to be decided down the halls of Trenton.”

Democratic leaders insist gay marriage is a civil rights issue, and should therefore not be put on the ballot for a vote.


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