When I woke up this morning, I was so comfortable. Under the covers, it was so toasty warm. I had no idea what was in store for me when I walked outside. I figure it would be on the chilly side but not as bad as it is. I don't think I'm ready for this cold.


We've been spoiled. We had a rough winter last year and a very hot summer. But the Fall 2010 was definitely more mild than anything. We had plenty of days where temperatures were anywhere between 50 and 85. I knew we would eventually get back to the cold but the yo yo temperatures have been making it difficult for many of us. I feel constantly congested lately as a result and every time the temp jumps 20 degrees, my sinuses act up. In the clothing department, I don't know whether to put on a coat or wear short sleeves. This constantly unstable weather has me concerned about what's in store for the next season. Are we expecting snow in the spring? Last year, the last storm we had was in March. We've had none yet. I say yet because I feel like one could be coming. No, I don't have any inside information - just a feeling.

So after stumbling over the dog for my shoes, I step outside the house. Brrr. Lord it's cold out. I literally ran to the car, pulled out the scraper and for the first time this season, had to clear the windshield. Once I got in the car, I checked. The thermostat read 11 degrees. Yikes! That's cold. While I like the chilly weather to a point, there's a limit. Give me 35 - 60 degrees any day. Once I arrived at the station, the temp read 13 where it remained for much of the drive time. Are you ready for this cold? I can't believe the winter is here again. I know I'm one of the people who complained during the heatwave in the summer. I still don't like being that hot either. Temperate is the word. Lets have some temperate temps. Also, lets hope Mother Nature goes easy on us this time around.

By the time Friday comes around, we'll be back in the 50s. This is too much. Enough of this crazy weather!

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