You can now virtually attend Toms River School Board meetings
The Toms River Regional School District is closed until further notice amid the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic which has led to statewide restrictions including no building being allowed to have more than 50 people inside at one time.
With the new mandates in place until the virus related shutdown is over, towns, police and schools are coming up with new and technologically savvy ways of interacting with residents.
There's much to be discussed at the Toms River Regional Schools Board of Education meetings as they're remain one of the districts in the state losing millions in state aid from the State of New Jersey's S2 legislation/School Funding Formula.
The Toms River BOE plans to still hold meetings but in the midst of the pandemic, no visitors are allowed in the building, but you can still chime in online.
You can watch the live stream of the Toms River School Board meetings over the web beginning tonight and any meeting following until further notice.
The district web page prior to the meeting, which begins at 7:30 pm, will provide you with a link to access the live stream and submit questions and comments for the TRBOE.