This is the most Jersey thing you're going to see all week, and probably my favorite thing of 2019 so far.

With Easter only a few days away, we know that the Easter Bunny is busy. I mean, how does the Easter Bunny get to so many homes?

Magic, right?

Or, maybe a good motorcycle.

At least, that's how Ocean County's Easter Bunny gets around, as evidenced by this video taken on Route 37 in Toms River:

There are so many reasons that I love this.

The pastel Easter baskets on the back of the bike.

The sunglasses.

But, my very favorite part has to be the ears flapping in the wind as the Bunny keeps a respectable speed while going about his duties.

The next time somebody talks trash about New Jersey, just show them this video. If they can't manage a smile, then there's no helping them!


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