Why New Jersey men were growing facial hair during November
Many men have been growing out their facial hair, no matter how it looks (like me) and walking around with all kinds of beards but for a good cause.
Why grow facial hair during November?
It's part of a public awareness campaign around cancers that affect men such as prostate and testicular cancer.
So men grow out their finest beards in good fun to help raise funds for education, research, prevention and hopefully one day a cure to all cancers that affect both men and women.
I personally don't grow facial hair well at all. It comes in patchy and takes for-ever to look like something that resembles a solid beard, lol.
#NoShaveNovember isn't about me or you, it's about all those men out there and their families being impacted by either a scare or in fact cancer itself.
I was happy to participate, help raise awareness and then make a donation to the cause.
While my beard is gone like the many others who've now shaved and returned to their normal look, the awareness and cause doesn't end on December 1.
If you wish to donate and/or are financially able to do so, you can help out a number of organizations or hospitals anytime throughout the year.
Let's also pray that one day cancer for men and women will soon be a thing of the past.
Here are some other people or groups who participated in #noshavenovember:
Police Chief Robert Burnaford and the department in Harvey Cedars (Ocean County) raised $7,500.00 during their campaign.
Share your #noshavenovember pictures with us in the comments section below!
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