Why Do People Complain About Family Christmas Letters? I Love Them!
Maybe you can explain something to me. Why is there so much animosity towards those update letters that some people enclose with their holiday cards? Is it seen as bragging? And does that turn you off? Do you view the letters as people trying to "one-up you?"
I don't perceive them that way. In fact, I welcome hearing from friends and family. I appreciate a) that they took the time to send me a card/letter and b) that their update provides a way for me to stay aware and in touch even though distance and busy schedules keep us apart.
If you're proud of your kid's academic progress or sports achievement, then I'm proud too! If you got to take a great summer vacation, I'm thrilled for you. You deserve it! Let's see a photo! In my opinion, even your dog graduating from Obedience School deserves a place in your holiday letter. So keep them coming!
Now for you letter haters, can you tell me what's so wrong about the holiday updates?