When You See These Amazing Structures You Know You’re At The Jersey Shore
The Jersey Shore has an amazing history, and some amazing landmarks as well. And there are some structures that are synonymous with Monmouth County, There are certainly more than 5, but today we wanted to focus on the ones that were mentioned to us most often when we asked. See if you agree with what your neighbors came up with.
Here are 5 structures that are unmistakably Jersey Shore, and for the purposes of this discussion, the Jersey Shore includes Monmouth & Ocean Counties. We can debate that another day...
5 Unmistakable Jersey Shore Structures
I'm sure there are many more you can think of, and we'd love to celebrate them as well. So please give us your choices in the Comment section. Thanks!
Don't say it: 6 words & phrases that should be banned in NJ for the new year
Some very Jersey things that shouldn't be.