Toms River East’s Jillian Shaffery Is Our Student of the Week
92.7 WOBM and Gateway Toyota of Toms River honor JILLIAN SHAFFERY of Toms River High School East as the Student of the Week.
Jillian Shaffery, TR East
Ranked sixth in a class of 350, she has earned A’s and A+ in all of her honors and AP courses. Jillian is a member of the National Honor Society, Student Council, Peer Leadership, Student Ambassadors, TEAM, History and Spanish Clubs and participated in Field Hockey and Bowling.
Described as well-rounded, conscientious and balanced and heading to Stevens Institute of Technology is JILLIAN SHAFFERY, our Ocean County Student of the Week.
Listen To Our Student of the Week Commercial Honoring our Student of the Week:
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