Since MTV's "Jersey Shore" first made their mark on Ocean County almost a decade ago, both literally and figuratively, it seems like they're spending more time these days trying to find somewhere to film rather than actually filming.

I don't have to remind you about the reputation that we were left with when the boozing, cursing, and decidedly un-family friendly TV show first pumped their fists in Seaside Heights.

It was bad enough that Seaside Heights literally enacted regulations to limit the filming permits of such shows.

They tried to make a Seaside comeback a few weeks ago, but were limited to just two days worth of filming, so they hit the road to try to find a new beach community to tarnish.

They were able to work around the regulations in Atlantic City and spent a few days filming on private property there.

Wildwood was in their sights, too, before officials made a clear "thanks but no thanks" public statement.

And then word got out that they turned their attention back to Ocean County and applied for filming permits in Brick.

Let's just say that the conversation didn't last very long.

Officials swiftly denied the request, saying that Brick residents come first and the circus that comes along with Snooki, The Situation, and the rest of the gang isn't welcome in the township.

As people say these days, "sorry, not sorry".

The partying in our beach communities may have been fun the first time around, but let's just say that the welcome has been thoroughly worn out.

So, keep trying guys. To use another very 2018 term, "girl, bye!"


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