The Best Looking Fire Truck In Ocean County Is…
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!
And unlike last night's Oscars, we're sure about this one.
After nearly 50 submissions from dozens of Ocean County fire departments and nearly 8,000 votes, we have a clear winner in our Best Looking Fire Truck In Ocean County competition:
That's right, the Island Heights Volunteer Fire Company's classic fire truck scored a clear victory!
With over 40% of the vote (and that's with 48 different submissions!), the classic ride was the runaway winner.
The runner up was East Dover Fire Company #4, which also had an incredibly strong showing with almost 30% of the total votes.
My thanks to not only you, the people of Ocean County, for your incredible response and clear loyalty to your local fire departments, but also my heartfelt thanks to the over three dozen fire departments who sent in submissions!
I think that something like this is a perfect example of the community that we are - one that is proud of the men and women who put their lives on the line to keep us safe every single day!
If you'd like to look back at all of the competitors, you can do so in the gallery below:
Up Next last fall's winner of the best looking police car in Ocean County: