New Jersey is always taking a beating on their roads and I don't just mean from the weather. But, good news for New Jersey as it ranks among the top 20 states with the lowest road fatalities.
This isn't exactly going to come as a shock to most of you, but a recent study revealed that New Jersey is among the top 6 states when it comes to the most toll roads.
You probably spent half the day bouncing around on New Jersey's roads, literally. So, it should come as no surprise to you that New Jersey has among the worst roads in America.
Do you look both ways when you cross roadways here in the Garden State? Do you use proper crossways to make your way through traffic? Do you wait for the "walk" signal at intersections?
Be careful this Thanksgiving as AAA reports it could be the third busiest travel season since 2005. With heavy rains and congested roads, it's important to know the most treacherous roads in New Jersey before you head out.
No one needs to tell you that it isn't easy traveling around New Jersey. Between the traffic and construction, there's always a challenge around the corner. But we may not realize just how bad our situation is.