With the start of National Distracted Driving Awareness Month comes the 2022 version of the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety's "U Drive. U Text. U Pay." initiative, and a companion social and digital media campaign to remind Garden State motorists to put their phones down behind the wheel...
New Jersey is home to free child passenger safety checks on a regular basis, meant to help ensure your child is as safe as possible when you hit the road.
Between 2010 and 2014 nearly 740 pedestrians were fatally wounded in car crashes in addition to over 22,000 injuries according to the NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety. These stats are reason New Jersey is deemed a "focus" state by the Federal Highway Administration and brings to the front the public education campaign known as Street Smart NJ.
Driving during heavy rain or flash flooding can be dangerous as dozens of motorists in Toms River found out last week after getting trapped in rising water when several inches of rain fell in a short period.
Six Ocean County law enforcement agencies, 10 each in Monmouth and Burlington and seven in Atlantic County plan to step up the watch on drunken and impaired drivers during New Jersey's "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" crackdown that starts Friday and continues through Labor Day Weekend.