Despite a solid number of females running for a state Senate or Assembly seat, New Jersey will drop from 12th in the nation to 15th for the proportion of women in its legislature.
Residents Against Giant Electric, which has spent more than $400,000 in its fight to stop "monster power lines" from being built in their backyards, claims JCP&L can solve the same problems and provide the same service to customers without the construction of giant poles and lines that could affect residents' home values and health.
Two New Jersey senators have teamed up on legislation that targets negligent landlords who fail to meet safety and sanitary standards for their tenants.
Less than two weeks remain before the date Gov. Chris Christie hopes the Legislature approves a complicated transaction involving the pension funds and lottery.
Unless there are changes to the school-funding formula and additional aid, the Senate won’t pass a state budget, Senate President Stephen Sweeney said.
Amtrak says major projects at Penn Station will begin in May and continue through the fall. Further work mostly done on weekends will continue through next June.
EXCLUSIVE: A federal judge sentenced him to a year of house arrest, three years of probation and a $10,000 fine. But the disgraced former schools chief won't lose his lucrative six-figure pension.