
Runyan, LoBiondo Join Shore Fishermen Protest In DC
Runyan, LoBiondo Join Shore Fishermen Protest In DC
Runyan, LoBiondo Join Shore Fishermen Protest In DC
A figurative sea of fishermen reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in Washington DC marked the start of a protest over Congressional inaction on the law that governs catch limits. The Recreational Fishing Alliance's "Keep Fishermen Fishing" rally is aimed at easing restrictions in the Magnuson-Stevens Act that they say are hurting commerical enterprise, tourism, boaters and affiliated busin
Fishing Becomes Weapon In War On Drugs Under Proposed Legislation
Fishing Becomes Weapon In War On Drugs Under Proposed Legislation
Fishing Becomes Weapon In War On Drugs Under Proposed Legislation
A program that combats the lure of drugs with the great outdoors would go statewide if a shore-based bill becomes law. The Future Fisherman Foundation's "Hooked On Fishing, Not On Drugs" program flourishes in Ocean County and in more than 30 states, says state Senator Chris Connors (R-9)...