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E-Bike Owners Warned After Fire in Toms River, NJ
E-Bike Owners Warned After Fire in Toms River, NJ
E-Bike Owners Warned After Fire in Toms River, NJ
Lithium batteries have become more common, and experts warn that when things go wrong, you may have less than a minute to respond before the battery is engulfed. They say you should never charge the larger lithium batteries overnight, and never store them in front of a doorway.
Where to Go Antiquing in New Jersey
Where to Go Antiquing in New Jersey
Where to Go Antiquing in New Jersey
Antiquing has become somewhat of a sport. People who do it seem to have a pre-planned strategy before heading out in search of their hidden treasure. For others like myself I don't typically plan to find antiques, but I'm easily engrossed by the nostalgia when I find myself in an antique shop. We've done some research and put together a list of some of the more popular antique shops in our region.

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