Before I get to talking about songs that sound similar to other songs I want to go on record as saying I LOVE the tune "Cake By The Ocean" by the group DNCE (pronounced as individual letters.)  It's catchy, fun, summery, and that bass line is awesome.

But it's a bass line that I feel like I've heard a song called "Never There" by the band called "Cake."  Hmmm, isn't that interesting?  I'm not wanting to get into a legal discussion of music rights, but I find it cool that songs with a similar bassline can sound so different.  Both are great in their own way.

I spent some time trying to find out if Joe Jonas and his band DNCE had collaborated with the band Cake.  My internet research could not confirm this.  But, by happy accident, it led me to a site devoted to songs that sound a bit like other songs.  Here's the link so you can check it out for yourself.

By clicking above you'll be able to play both songs I'm talking about.  The Same That Tune website gives everyone a chance to chime in on whether we hear the similarities or not.  (Warning, song in the DNCE video is not the radio version you hear on WOBM.  It's got some language you may not want your kids to hear.)

What are some songs that you think sound like other songs, please share in the Comments section.

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