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Wow. I knew that this contest was going to be a nail-biter, but it is evident that Ocean County is serious about their favorite slices of pizza.

We have received hundreds of submissions, and it took a little longer than initially anticipated to sort through them all to get the Top 10.

It's no secret that some of these pizzerias are some of the most known in Ocean County, but some just got by with a submission or two.

This marks the start of the first official round of Ocean County Pizzeria Wars. Below are the Top 10 pizzerias by the number of entries, now it's your turn to VOTE so that your favorite pizzeria will make it to ROUND 2! VOTING FOR THIS ROUND ENDS TOMORROW AT MIDNIGHT!

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This round ends tomorrow at midnight! Be sure to share this post and get everyone you know to VOTE for your favorite pizzeria in Ocean County. Round 3 starts on Wednesday morning with the TOP 5 Pizzerias!

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