A growing number of Garden State schools fear getting sued if they make mention of any specific holiday this year or display anything with religious overtones, so one New Jersey lawmaker has decided to try and take action this holiday season.

Scott Barbour/Getty Images
Scott Barbour/Getty Images

Legislation sponsored by Assemblyman Ron Dancer would allow a school district to display on school property scenes or symbols associated with traditional winter celebrations, including a Menorah or a Christmas image, such as a nativity scene or Christmas tree, as long as the display includes a scene or symbol of more than one religion or one religion and at least one secular scene or symbol.

The measure would also permit a school district to include musical selections with religious themes at winter or holiday programs, if the program includes musical selections of more than one religion or one religion and music secular in nature.

"This makes sense because there is settled federal district court law that allows the First Amendment right of free speech," he said. "I just think the time has come that we have to end this battleground this time of year when it's supposed to be peace on earth and goodwill to men."

Dancer believes what's happening right now at some schools is simply ridiculous.

"I think we've reached the height of stupidity," Dancer said. "This is the time of year for centuries."

"We have celebrated these traditional holidays, they should have the option, whether they're faculty or students, of being able to say 'Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or Happy Holidays.' It's time to stop the madness and enjoy the cheerfulness of the holiday season."


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