There's nothing funny about theft. But when a life-sized goose decoy was pilfered from an Ocean County Wawa, police recognized the absurdity of the situation and embraced social media detectives to quickly end the wild goose chase.

As WOBM News reported this morning, Plumsted Township Police were on the hunt for two women who were caught on camera at the Wawa on Maple Ave in New Egypt walking out with the goose decoy.

They posted photos and the BOLO on their official Facebook page and, as the savvy social media denizens say today, hilarity ensued.

From teasing commenters to disavowing responsibility for placing the stated $300 value on the fiberglass fowl, the Plumsted Police did what is possibly one of the most important parts of community policing - they engaged the public in a real way.



The golden goose that was launched to celebrity status in only a few short hours has since been recovered, and is now something of an unofficial mascot of sorts for the Plumsted Police Department:

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