New Jersey woman comes to aid of Ocean County neighbor in dire straits about to be evicted
There is power in radio and power in community and because of both, an Ocean County mother and her three children on the precipice of being evicted from their home, now find themselves in a much healthier living situation.
On December 4, 2022, Kim Guadagno, former Lt. Governor of New Jersey and Monmouth County Sheriff and currently the Executive Director of Mercy Center in Asbury Park was a guest of ours on 'Shore Time with Vin and Dave' on 94.3 The Point.
Throughout the course of the conversation, Guadagno explained the multitude of services, programs, and assistance that Mercy Center offers to many individuals and families across Monmouth County and Ocean County from food to education at the Sisters Academy, emergency services, family resources, and much more.
It turns out someone, who lives in Ocean County, listening that Sunday morning to the show heard about the services that Mercy Center provides from Kim Guadagno and felt called to take action.
This individual came to the aid and rescue of her neighbor, a mom who didn't speak English and was being evicted from her home along with her three children.
She arranged for the family stay in their own home until after Christmas and helped further by getting in touch with Mercy Center in Asbury Park and because of it, is doing much better here to start 2023.
This is only part of the story, the rest, a truly good story of a good Samaritan who stepped up to help someone she didn't know well and didn't need to but knew that it was the right thing to do, was shared yesterday morning on 'Shore Time with Vin and Dave' by Kim Guadagno.
You can listen to this heartwarming, inspirational story, right here.
Shore Time with Vin and Dave with Kim Guadagno, Part One:
Shore Time with Vin and Dave with Kim Guadagno, Part Two:
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