Ocean County Ladies: Clothing Exchange Parties Let You Shop For Free
I just had a clothing exchange party on Friday and based on how successful it was, I'm using today's blog to encourage you to host or attend one!
You know all those clothes that don't fit anymore, or the ones that are in the back of your closet that you just never wear? These are the pieces that are perfect to bring to a clothes swap party. Remember the saying, one person's trash is another's treasure. That's so true!
On the invitation I mentioned that people should bring clothes and accessories that that they don't want anymore. The general amount of things you "donate" is the approximate number of pieces you get to take, from the other people's donated items. For example, if you bring a few tops and a dress over, you can feel free to take about 4 items that will be new to you. If you come with a laundry basket full of stuff, then let others sort through your stuff and then fill your basket with "new to you" items that you want to take home.
A couple of my guests have lost weight and shrunk to smaller sizes. A party like this helps them get a bunch of things that fit, without costing any money. Another perk is that a clothes swap lets you take fashion risks without worrying that you're wasting money. For example if you don't usually wear floral prints or bright colors, you can try them on and see how they look. And if your friends are anything like mine, you'll get lots of encouragement and/or honest opinions.
If you have space and tabletops, you can set up "departments" just like in the stores. My dining room table was for tops. The credenza was for pants and shorts. I had sweaters on another table and accessories on another. I've also been to parties where things were just piled on the floor, divided in groups, as described above. It's fun to rummage through clothes, no matter what the layout.
One thing that does work well, though, is if you can have a space for hanging some select items like business suits, coats, party dresses, etc. I used a clothing rack that I had picked up at a yard sale years ago. If you don't have a rack, consider hanging clothes on your shower curtain rod. Or if it's a nice day outside, you can hang things on your fence. If you decide to showcase some items, be prepared with a bunch of hangers so that as people arrive, they can hang their items up.
Everyone had a great time and got lot of things to freshen their wardrobes, for free.
What's left over will be donated to charity.
Have you ever been to a Clothing Exchange Party?
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