Tomorrow is May 1st. In New Jersey this year, May 1 is the day Garden State residents have finally paid enough in taxes to actually start keeping what they work so hard to earn. New Jersey’s tax freedom date is tied with New York for falling second latest of all the states, with the exception of Connecticut, whose freedom date is May 5. For comparison, Pennsylvania’s freedom date was April 18 and Delaware’s April 17.


“It’s absolutely ridiculous that New Jersey taxpayers have to work 121 days to support government,” says Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick. “Government needs to function more efficiently and spend wisely. Workers in New Jersey have tightened their belts through these difficult times; all levels of government must do the same.”

Bramnick thinks tomorrow’s observance is a reminder that reducing the tax burden must be among the highest priorities for legislators. This year’s national date, April 17, fell four days later than in 2011, due to higher federal income and corporate tax collections.

“For years, New Jerseyans have been overtaxed whether at the local, state or federal level,” explains Bramnick. “Lowering the tax burden not only puts money back into people’s pockets, but it also makes our state competitive with all the others.”


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