NJ could help determine the future of the Democratic Party
The future of the Democratic Party in America might be decided in large part by New Jersey voters.
New Jersey remains in the running to be one of the first early presidential primary states in 2024.
The effort to thrust the Garden State into the heart of the presidential sweepstakes is being led by Democratic State Chairman LeRoy Jones, Jr., who has been lobbying the Democratic National Committee to move our state's primary election from June to February.
Jones has been arguing that New Jersey's diversity better reflects America, compared to current early primary states like New Hampshire and Iowa.
"Let’s make New Jersey one of the first primary states and set up future Democratic Party presidential nominees for long-term success," Jones wrote in a letter to DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison.
The New Jersey Globe is reporting that New Jersey has now been invited to make a formal presentation to the DNC rules and bylaws committee.
Even if the DNC were to approve of New Jersey moving the primary to February, the state legislature and Gov. Phil Murphy would have to agree.
There is widespread public support among New Jersey Democrats for making the move, according to a recent poll from Monmouth University.
There was far less support, 39%, among Republicans.
The New York Times reports the DNC is considering 13 other states and one U.S. Territory as early primary states: Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia. Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Texas and Washington and Puerto Rico.
Eric Scott is the senior political director and anchor for New Jersey 101.5. You can reach him at eric.scott@townsquaremedia.com
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