This is the Difference Between BBQs in NJ and BBQs in Other States
Memorial Day Weekend is just a few weeks away (YES!) and with that comes the start of BBQ Season!
You already know that one of the things that make New Jersey so great is the food. Other states can't even compete with us. And BBQs are no exception. Sure, you've got your hamburgers, hot dogs, steaks, chicken, and veggie burgers (if you're a vegetarian like me), and the rest of America has that down pat too. And you know it's not the corn, potato salad, or pasta salad that makes us stand out.
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What puts us above other states are our mouthwatering side dishes like tortellini and broccoli salad (once that comes out, you know the BBQ has officially started). And you know no NJ BBQ is complete without the antipasto - provolone, fresh mozzarella, and tomato, salami, olives (I gotta stop before I get hungry). Oh my goodness - one time my Mom even made fried ravioli and rice balls before we started grilling! YUM! Find me another state that serves that at their BBQs (besides New York).
And I haven't even gotten to dessert yet! The best BBQ guests always stop off at a bakery to bring over cannolis, rainbow cookies, sprinkle cookies, and all that good stuff. Of course, a hot cup of coffee is guaranteed with that.
I'm sure other states have their foods that make their BBQs great, but in my opinion - nobody does it better than Jersey. PERIOD!
Do you have a favorite NJ BBQ food?