Look At What We Spotted On Google Street View In Toms River!
There are any number of lists of weird, funny, and even kind of creepy things to be found on the Google Maps "Street View" portion of the worldwide mapping site.
But I laughed out loud at what I spotted right here in Toms River while researching a totally unrelated topic.
As the WOBM News team worked on the serious story of the sale of Water Street's Red Carpet Inn to the Township, I was on the hunt for a good photo of the location and turned to Google Maps.
It was when I placed the waving, yellow, Street View character onto the map that the funny moment arrived:
Oh, hey there! It's the WOBM van out for a drive!
Of course, our offices are right here on Robbins Street, so it's almost certain that our vehicle was coming back from an event of one kind or another around Ocean County and just happened to be caught on camera by the Google Maps vehicle.
And hey, in a business where it's literally not possible to have our logo out too much, I certainly won't complain about the appearance on one of the world's most popular apps!
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