Lifehack Your Christmas Dinner With This Jersey Shore Turkey Farm
On the Monday after Thanksgiving, I know that a lot of us may be turkeyed-out right now, but stick with me here. You'll be glad you did.
Much like Thanksgiving dinner, a lot of families also have a turkey with all the trimmings for Christmas too. If that sounds like your family, check out this nearby turkey farm that has the best holiday turkeys I've ever had.
My family has been getting our turkeys at Hinck's Turkey Farm in Manasquan for a decade now, and believe me when I tell you that we've never even considered going back to Butterball.
I'll be honest straight up here - they're not cheap.
A lot of us feel the financial squeeze this time of year especially, so this might not be the best place to splurge if you've got a free turkey coming to you thanks to a grocery store offer.
But if you have some flexibility and want to give the family a treat, I definitely feel like you do get what you pay for.
You'll want to call ahead and reserve your turkey. They're a busy place this time of year and taking your chances that they'll have a bird for your family isn't recommended.
They're also a restaurant, so you can swing by year-round and sample their goods if you need some convincing.
If you try a turkey from Hinck's this year, come back here and let me know what you think!