Local surfer Ben Gravy, a Ventnor native, is doing something that many could only dream of doing.

Gravy, is surfing in seven different seas, in seven days starting his trip in the North Pacific in Japan on Halloween, and ending it seven days later in the Arctic Ocean on November 6.

Other stops on his journey include:

  • The Indian Ocean in Bali and Indonesia
  • The Southern Ocean in Melbourne, Australia
  • The South Pacific in Sydney, Australia
  • The Gulf of Mexico in Galveston, Texas.

He will make a stop on Saturday, Nov. 4, right here in Atlantic City to surf the Atlantic Ocean.

Here are some pics and video's of his stop in Bali, surfing the Indian Ocean.

Gravy told New Jersey Monthly Magazine:

“On October 31, we are gonna be setting out on the one of the biggest missions, journeys, projects, I’ve ever done: 7 Seas in 7 Days, where we’re gonna be surfing seven different oceans around the world in seven days.”


Gravy, whose real name is Ben Graeff, has a huge following on his YouTube channel and this trip will all be documented there.

If you take a look at Gravy's Instagram page, you can follow his journey and take a look back and many of the things he has done and the waves he has surfed.  It's a pretty amazing journey, which also includes some original music discussing his life and travels.

Have a blast Ben, you are living a dream!

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