How To Win The Vacation Of A Lifetime!
You certainly know by now that 92.7 WOBM's Vacation of a Lifetime is back! Not only do we have some amazing destinations, but I want to give you some tips to get you as close as possible to taking one of those trips!
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Join the Loyal Listener's Club
This is the easiest and fastest step.
It's free, it's simple, and you only have to do it once.
Just click here right now to join the Loyal Listener's Club if you haven't already!
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Register for the contest
I'm sure that you know how the contest works - we call out a name on the air, and that person has 10 minutes to call us back at 732-237-WOBM.
It's quite simple, really.
But of course we can't call your name if we don't know who you are!
So go ahead and register! Just like Step 1 above, it's free, fast, and painless.
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Listen for your name
Ok, so you're a member of the Loyal Listener's Club and you've registered for the Vacation of a Lifetime, now what?
Now, you just have to listen for us to call your name!
We'll do it three times a day during the week - 9am, 12 Noon, and 5pm, and we'll throw in a few bonus chances on Thursdays.
This seems like a no-brainer, but if you're not listening, how will you hear us call your name?
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Join us at the Bon Voyage party
Ok, so you've completed Steps 1-3 above:
You've joined the Loyal Listener's Club.
You've registered for the Vacation of a Lifetime.
You've heard your name and called us back.
Now, you just have to be with us at the Bon Voyage party where we'll give away the Vacation of a Lifetime! It's coming up on May 17th at Martell's Water's Edge in Bayville.
That's it!
It's that easy!
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Pro Tips
Ok, so we've covered the basics. Which, really, we've pretty much told you exactly how to get as close as possible to winning the Vacation of a Lifetime without actually just handing it right over to you, so here are a few tips to help your chances:
You only have to register once. And this is honestly true, whether you register once or 1,000 times, your chances are the same. So don't give yourself carpal tunnel syndrome, one entry will do the trick!
Keep that radio on 92.7 WOBM! Even if you have to bribe your co-workers to keep the radio on WOBM, if you don't hear us call your name, how will you know when to call us back?
Save our number! Here it is again - 732-237-WOBM. Yes, we really do have a 10 minute timer in the studio. When we say that you have 10 minutes to call us back, the timer starts ticking, so don't delay!
And finally, the most important tip - have fun! There's a reason that we love to give away the Vacation of a Lifetime, it's fun! I mean, sure, we could say "be caller 92, blah, blah, blah", but where's the fun in that?
So good luck on winning the Vacation of a Lifetime, from Ocean County's Hometown Station - 92.7 WOBM!