Have your law enforcement questions answered Saturday in Monmouth County
Start jotting down any questions you may have for Monmouth County law enforcement and bring them with you to the "Community & Law Enforcement Conversation Seminar" on Saturday January 14 at Pilgrim Baptist Church, on 172 Shrewsbury Avenue in Red Bank.
"Now, more than ever it is important for law enforcement and the community in Monmouth County to have an open dialogue to better understand the issues facing the region and what we can do together to address those issues," said Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni. "This seminar will serve as a forum to have those conversations."
The goal of the event is to strengthen relationships between the residents in Monmouth County and law enforcement officials so everyone can work hand-in-hand and better understand each other.
The seminar is open to clergy, community leaders, youth groups, high school students and law enforcement of Monmouth County and there will be guest speakers, group discussions, video presentations in this free event to attend.
Breakfast and lunch will also be served but sign up soon because space is limited.
To register for the seminar or for more information please call 732-747-2343 or email nina.mathis@yahoo.com.
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