Get rid of your household waste this summer in Ocean County
It's time to get rid of your waste...well, the materials around your yard anyway.
Ocean County officials have scheduled a series of household waste collection dates where you can head to certain DPW locations and dispose of things like old paint, pesticides, toilet cleaners and pool chemicals.
“This is the perfect opportunity to clean out those old products that can pose a threat to the environment and should not be thrown away with everyday trash,” Ocean County Freeholder Gary Quinn, liaison to the Department of Solid Waste Management, said.
Waste can be brought to three locations on three separate dates.
The program is free, but space is limited and preregistration is strongly suggested.
Collection days are set for:
• Saturday, July 13 at the Manchester Department of Public Works Garage, 1360 Route 70, Manchester. Call 732-506-5047 to register.
• Saturday, August 10 at the Jackson Municipal Building parking lot, 95 West Veterans Highway, Jackson. Register by calling 732-367-0802.
• Saturday, September 7 at the Long Beach Township Department of Public Works, 7910 Long Beach Boulevard. Call 609-978-0913 to register.
The drop off locations will be open from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
County residents may bring their waste to the closest or most convenient drop off.
Materials accepted at the household hazardous waste collection sites include: paints, thinners, boat paints, solvents, pool chemicals, pesticides and herbicides, aerosol cans, auto products, toilet and drain cleaners, silver polishes, oven cleaners, photographic chemicals, rug and upholstery cleaners, polishes and bleaches, waste oil and used gasoline.
Materials not accepted include oxygen tanks and boat flares.
Residents can drop off a maximum of 200 pounds of dry material and 20 gallons of liquid at the County's household hazardous waste collection sites.
No containers over five gallons will be accepted.
Waste will be accepted only from county residents and farmers.
Businesses and government agencies are not eligible.
Program information is also on the county website at www.co.ocean.nj.us/recycle.
Household hazardous waste collection dates earlier this spring saw 232,965 pounds of material collected.
“I’m proud to say that this is the 30th year that the county has run these collections and over the past 3 decades our residents have helped to safely dispose of more than 15 million pounds of hazardous materials,” Freeholder Director Virginia Haines said.
Freeholder Quinn said residents who miss a date should contact their municipal recycling centers and the county's recycling centers, which allow for year-round drop off of a host of materials including used paint, motor oil and car batteries.
"Our residents should check with us or their local recycling center to determine what is accepted year-round, eliminating the need to store potentially hazardous items in their home," Quinn said.
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