I have heard the joke my entire life, people from New Jersey described where they are from with which exit they are off of the parkway.

I guess people do the same with the turnpike, but growing up at the Jersey Shore this was less common so I never really thought about it.

Not only do we describe where in New Jersey we are from based on our exit, but we also use exits as reference points for general directions.

I can recall countless conversations in which someone would ask which exit someone would get off to get to a certain place, which led to some debate about the right exit to take.

I have usually sat there quietly...

Quiet and a little confused.

Quiet, a little confused and ashamed.

I was born and raised a Jersey Girl. I am a Toms River girl through and through.

With that being said, never ask me what exit I am. I never remember.

Should I be ashamed?

There are very few places I could confidently say which exit you should take off of the parkway.

I mix up exits 82 and 82A all of the time...

I used to work at the Tinton Falls outlets and I know I got off at one of the 100s.

If that was exit 100, 100A, or 100B...I have no clue.

I used to commute to Montclair on certain days when I worked at the outlets when I was a student there. I think I got off at exit 153, but I'm not completely confident about that.

How can a Jersey Girl be this clueless about something so near and dear to New Jersey's culture?

Maybe one day I will learn, but I am 33 and still don't know so I won't hold my breath.

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Gallery Credit: Lou Russo

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