Do You Wish You Were A High School Senior Right Now
Central Regional HS Class of 73 Favorites: Big mouth-Kevin (Zelmo) Williams, Best looking-Liz Lorton, Class Artist-Jim Rosanio.
Within the last couple of months my classmates from Central Regional HS have decided to move forward with a 50-year reunion in October. I’ve been asked to serve as the MC for the evening which is not surprising since I was voted Class Big Mouth in 1973…I guess that was a preview of things to come.
I know you look at me and can’t imagine that I graduated nearly 50 years ago but in full disclosure I was the youngest person in my class turning 17 only 4 ½ months before graduation.
Anyway there is a Facebook page for our class and it’s been fun to look at the pictures even if I don’t remember some of my classmates…I’m sure they have forgotten me as well. However it has brought back some good memories and reminders of how much simpler times were for us in the “old days” than for high school students today. Thank goodness we didn’t have social media and smart phones, it would clearly result in many embarrassing photos.
It has got me thinking about something…actually a question. If you could, would you go back to being a high school senior right now? Not back to the year you were in school but today. Yes you would be 17 or 18 years old and have a long life in front of you but you would be growing up in very different times with no guarantee of happiness.
If faced with that question I honestly don’t know what my answer would be. I can tell you if given a choice I would like to go back to when I was in my late 30’s.
It doesn’t really matter because that only happens in movies and TV shows and I (and you) have to be content where we are today.
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