Cooling Off Like an Ocean County Kid
I did something yesterday I haven't done in about 40 years. I cooled off by going under a lawn sprinkler. And it was awesome! It took me right back to the good old days when my pals and I would get our swimsuits on and have fun running back and forth, enjoying the cooling spray of the sprinkler. With the terrible heat this week, and knowing my neighbor wouldn't mind, it seemed like a quick great way to cool off while I was walking the dog. I think Taylor liked it too.
These high temps have reminded me of my vacation summer in Italy during an historic heatwave last year. We played tourist on days that were 102, 106, and even 111 degrees! It was brutal. But it taught me a great lesson about how to cool off: eat gelato! Yes, I was able to justify daily ice cream consumption because it cooled me off during an oppressive heat wave. Unless you have to avoid it for medical or weight loss reasons, I recommend having some! If not ice cream, you can enjoy any type of frozen treat.
What's nice about both of these methods is that they bring out the kid in each of us. So perhaps during your holiday celebration you can cool off with a sprinkler or hose, or something from the freezer.
What are some other ways we can cool down like (and with) our kids? Water Balloons? Super Soakers? What else?
Happy Fourth of July!!
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