Brick MUA, NJ American, SUEZ main & hydrant flushing under way
Hmmm, water pressure's low at various times all over Ocean and Monmouth...sometimes it's kind of cloudy-looking...all right, what's up! That's municipal water departments and private companies, clearing sediment from the mains that deliver it to your taps.
Cleaning of water distribution systems generally takes place in Spring and Fall, and it considered essential if what goes from your tap to your drinking tumbler is going to be as clear, tasty and conducive to health as it can be.
Water is driven through mains under high pressure and at high velocity, leading to opened hydrants, where it gushes out.
The Brick Township Municipal Utilities Authority plans to rinse out its pipes between April 17 and May 12. Staffers at the MUA can answer specific questions at 732-458-7000, extension 4244.
New Jersey American Water's flushing operations are annual and began March 20, and company executives anticipate continuation into the summer.
The company's web page contains a town-by-town schedule for its entire service area. Subscribers in Its CodeRED system are notified by phone call, text or e-mail.
As previously chronicled here, SUEZ Toms River has also been at it since March 20 in its service area of Toms River, South Toms River, and the Holiday City portions of Berkeley Township.
During main flushing, water company, water department and MUA officials uniformly recommend storing water in the fridge ahead of time for drinking and cooking, checking for water discoloration before turning on the clothes washer or dishwasher, and checking faucet screens for trapped particles if water flow is still sluggish after flushing's completed.
While all this is going on, workers will be on the streets as well as below them. Driving past a site, slow down and give them room.
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