Be Sure To Do This One Thing Before You Go To Vote On Tuesday
Election Day is officially less than a week away now, and before you head out to vote on Tuesday, there's one really important thing that you should do first.
If I asked you right now where your polling place is, would you know?
Honestly, I wouldn't.
I've lived in the same home for almost 10 years, and my polling place has changed at least three times over that time.
While all registered voters in New Jersey should have received their sample ballots in the mail already, there probably aren't that many of us who actually take the time to give it a good once over (myself included).
So, before you head to the polls on Tuesday, make sure that you're heading to the right polls!
Thankfully, the New Jersey Department of State has a super simple web tool to look up your polling place.
All you have to do is enter your address, and you'll get not only the location of your polling place, but it'll even give you directions.