A Good Reason To Stay Up Late – A Show in the Sky
If you can stand temps in the teens tonight (or, as the case may be, early tomorrow morning), it could be worth finding somewhere dark to do some sky watching in the early morning hours.
Space.com is reporting that the Quadrantid Meteor Shower should be strong this year. The downside is that the peak is expected around 2:30 am (and the lows are supposed to be in the bitter teens). But the upside is the fact that 2:30 am is just the peak, you may still catch a stray "shooting star" any time tonight.
I take every opportunity I get to encourage people to try to catch meteor showers. One of the highlights of every summer I spent at camp in the Poconos was laying out on the soccer field on a pitch black night to watch the annual Perseid Meteor Shower display. If you've never actually seen a true meteor shower, I suggest you put that on your bucket list right now.
If you get a chance tonight and it's clear enough, find a nice, dark place away from light pollution, bundle up, and cross your fingers for a show. Feel free to swing back here tomorrow and let us know if you see anything!