72 Days Until Spring…But Who’s Counting?
I’ve always adopted this philosophy that the 90 days or so that make up January, February & March are a test of survival for those of us who detest winter.
What that means is each day we get through without true winter-like weather puts us closer to the end of what can be three rough months before there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Right now things are pretty good for us. How many mornings have you had to scrape your windshield or let the car run with the heat on before starting your commute? Not many if at all and it looks like we’ll escape any serious threat from a small storm later today and by Saturday temperatures could hit 60.
I’ve taken a glance at the extended forecast and the next couple of weeks look pretty good. No real threat of any major snow and above normal temperatures.
If we could somehow get through January without any major storms or extended cold snaps that would be great although I caution that it seems some of our biggest snowstorms and blizzards have come in February.
Here’s another reason for optimism and that is the days are getting longer. We have already gained more than five minutes of light since the beginning of the month and we will add another 38 minutes by the time January comes to an end.
If you like looking ahead than it’s:
- 38 days until Valentine’s Day
- 60 days until the Ocean County St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Seaside Heights
- 72 days until spring arrives
- 100 days until the Lakewood BlueClaws home opener
Believe me: this sense of optimism will end very quickly once winter wreaks havoc on us which it will at some point. Let’s just hope it’s later and not sooner.
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