5 Scams All New Jerseyans Need to Look Out for in 2025
Learn how to spot and avoid common scams in your area to protect yourself and your loved ones.
There are so many scams out there. Please be a safe. Thank you to the Brick Township Police Department for these three scams to watch out for, according to the patch.com.
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A friend of mine recently went through this, it's shocking and so, so sad to even have to think or worry about this.
He's talking to his son and he's asking him if he's ok, he says he was in an accident, I'm in trouble and I need a lawyer. I need you to call this lawyer's number.
The phone was not in a good area and was very crackly. The phone was not very clear. The phone just cuts out. The phone call was very short, but he was able to get the lawyer's number to my friend right before the phone cuts out. The number that came through on the phone was not his son's phone number, the police had his phone.
It's every parent's worst nightmare, what is going on?
This is my son and he needs me. My friend calls the number of this lawyer, the number that was given to him before the phone cut out on him. My friend tells me, it sounds like a normal office sound, he gives him the information, he hears the shuffling of papers over the phone and gives him more minor information. He was asked for money for his son. His son was never in an accident and thank goodness he was ok. But, these phone scams have to stop. How crazy and how scary?
What are the 5 scams we should all watch out for in Ocean County New Jersey?
#1. Phishing Scam: This is scam is about finding out all the personal information you have from credit card numbers, bank accounts, social security number, and more. Never give out any information when you're not sure who is asking. Make sure you know who is asking.
#2 - Brushing Scam: Brushing scams are when a company sends a product to you by mail to manipulate online reviews by sending unsolicited packages to boost a seller's product ratings. If you didn't order it, you shouldn't be receiving anything by mail.
#3 - Gift Card Scams: Anytime anyone requests payment in the form of a gift card, it is usually spam. Especially, if it's a utility company or anything thing else that looks suspicious.
#4 - Grandparent Scams: This is so sad and when my Mom was living she would get calls all day from spam callers. We were always so concerned about it. But, if they get a call from a family member or grand child in distress and it's all made up. They claim to be in trouble and need money. Please make sure to talk to your older parents or grandparents about this horrible scam going around. Always have a back up plan for them so they are Ok.
#4 - Email scams are the worst. Beware of suspicious emails. Be very cautious of email attachments. **Thanks to patch.com for some of these scams from police department.
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Gallery Credit: Bethany Adams
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