What Should I Do For Abby’s Sweet 16th, I Need Your Help; Sue’s Mommy Blog
I can't even believe Abs will be 16 in less than a month. You've been with us every step of the way and I need some ideas.
Yes, we are on a wild ride. Abs is in 10th grade, I can't believe how life moves by so fast. I can't believe this little girl that loved worms and bugs (now, she hates bugs, of course) is a happy 15-year-old. She's a really cool kid, and I'm not just saying that because she's mine.
But, I have to tell you, this year more than any other age, I have no idea what I should do for her 16th. She's not really into that "big" sweet 16 party. I keep asking her, what does she want, a sleepover, an escape room, something and she says, "No I really don't need or want anything special." Well, we need to do something, it's an exciting time.
I was so excited because her favorite is Chick-fil-A and I called the Brick restaurant to see if I could reserve a couple of tables and they're not open inside, only drive-thru. Darn, she would've loved that.
PLEASE, if you have any ideas for what I should do for her 16th, let me know. Write it in the comments, Facebook comments, or email me sue.moll@townsquaremedia.com.
She loves her dogs, volleyball, and the beach. She is kind and loves her Nanny so much. I love her heart and her giant smile. She's always going to dinner with her friends. She goes out to eat more than we do, and I think we're a little jealous of that, :). Maybe she would love to go to dinner with a group of friends?
My daughter is the love of my life - fresh, funny, truly a wonderful little soul that brings me sunshine every day. She's now 15 and her life and what she does is just so funny, it’s too funny not to talk about or write about. It’s all about sharing our adventures with you. Time flies. Thanks for all of your advice through the years, Moms we are never alone! I guess it should be "Sue's Mom Blog" since she's so grown up now, I'm totally laughing out loud at that!
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