Time to Get New Jersey Off the Sidelines
We come to the end of another stressful week in our towns, state and country and it’s fair of question what could possibly be next.
People are clearly on edge and I think we could all use something that finds us moving in the same direction. Here’s hoping whatever it happens soon because we need it. Moving on:
- I don’t really want to take another shot at Gov. Murphy and his handling of things but I have to. It is absurd that he is sticking with Monday, June 15th for New Jersey to move into the next phase of reopening with restaurants to begin outdoor dining and non-essential retail stores to allow customers inside, both of course with restrictions. At the least move that up to Friday, June 12 so both can benefit from a weekend which is especially key for Jersey Shore businesses. Murphy keeps saying he “gets it” but he clearly does not.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The problem is that lumping everything by business category is easy but not equal. There are plenty of places that could open tomorrow and easily maintain social distancing and safety protocols. That should be the mandate. Using future dates just makes it more likely businesses won’t make it and eventually will close.
- It is somewhat ludicrous that officials embrace thousands of peaceful protestors with many not wearing masks and clearly close to one another but won’t allow a restaurant with outdoor dining to open yet.
- Major League Baseball continues to strike out as owners and players remain far apart on a financial plan that will jump start the 2020 season. It’s well past which side is right because they are both wrong and most importantly blowing a chance to own the pro sports landscape in the U.S. The idea of baseball coming back on July 4th weekend and capturing the country is slipping away and it’s mind-boggling to believe that they are going to let this opportunity pass. Shame of them!
- If you are white and struggling to explain to your children how blacks have been treated in this country and what they’ve dealt with then you might want to have them watch a roundtable discussion I hosted with Manchester Township High School Principal Dennis Adams, Ranney boys basketball coach Tahj Holden and Monmouth University Women’s basketball associate head coach James Young. It’s available on shoresportsnetwork.com