They Are Cute but Are Chipmunks Invading Your Ocean County Gardens?
Yes, I agree they are cute, but these little critters can cause a bunch of trouble for your gardens here in Ocean County, New Jersey.
Do you have an explosion of chipmunks at your home? They are cute but they love to eat! They will definitely go after some of the plants in your garden. If you are a home gardener then you know they can be a true garden pest, just like certain bugs. Yes, they are cute but they love to stock up for the winter and your seeds and plants could be on their "to do" list.
So how do we keep chipmunks from destroying our gardens? According to Pet Samurai "What are the natural scents that repel chipmunks? Chipmunks, unlike humans, cannot stand the smells of certain vital oils such as peppermint, citrus, cinnamon, and eucalyptus. Furthermore, chipmunks despise the smell of garlic. By using these scents in your garden as a homemade chipmunk repellent, you will essentially get rid of the chipmunks and make them no longer want to visit that area."
Have you found certain "scents" that will keep Chip & Dale from running around your garden? If you have found some good chipmunk repellents please share your findings so we can implement them as well. Always looking for a way to deter the little ones, without harming them.
Check out this video for more ways to control chipmunks in your home garden.
So let's work together here and come up with some easy and pain-free ways to keep the chipmunks away. Share your solutions and let's hope they stay away from our seeds and plants, they can have all the corn and bird seed they want lol
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