Thanksgiving Parade Memories and Highlights
As I was getting settled in front of the microphone this morning, I had the TV on. I was curious what celebrities and Broadway shows would be featured. The announcer went through the list of performers and then said the two words that made me smile: Santa Claus!
Though I'm in my 50s, I still get excited when I see Santa and his sleigh at the end of the parade. It's a symbol that the holiday season is officially here. It's that warm fuzzy feeling that comes this time every year.
Does the parade have some nice childhood memories associated with it for you as it does for me? What is your favorite part each year? What was the highlight of this year's parade? Have you ever gone to Manhattan to watch it in person?
I am impressed with all those people who stood out in the record setting cold this morning! And with all the marching bands, law enforcement, and everyone who had an important job today to make the annual tradition so enjoyable for everyone watching!
Happy Thanksgiving!