Teenagers and Trick-Or-Treat -This is MY Opinion as a Mom of a Teenager
Kids are kids, bottom line. If they're short, tall, all ages, and some might look older, they're still kids.
I've seen so many social media posts about teenagers and how they should not be trick-or-treating this year, trick-or-treat is only for the younger ones...WHAT?
Halloween is for everyone. Halloween brings small towns out on a fun-filled candy night. It's probably the only time a year you see your neighbors that live down the street. Teenagers have every right to trick-or-treat. Kids of all ages love dressing up, putting on make-up, or just wearing a football jersey. They're walking around with their friends, they're not on their phones, they're not playing video games. They're outside enjoying Halloween.
In one breath we say kids don't get out enough and in another breath we say teenagers should stop trick-or-treating. Come on, let's let the kids of all ages have fun with trick-or-treat. I don't care if you're 19 and coming to my house dressed up, you are getting candy. Teenagers are welcome and most teenagers I know will say, "Thank you". Maybe they'll surprise you. Teenagers love Halloween just as much as the little ones do, don't ruin it for them.
Happy Halloween.