See Hugh Jackman Live In Concert With Traffic Jam Trivia!
Listen to Justin Louis from 3 p.m. - 8 p.m. all this week for Traffic Jam Trivia for your chance to see Hugh Jackman live in concert this fall!
Hugh Jackman is bringing his show "The Man. The Music. The Show" to the Prudential Center in Newark on October 6th.
According to the Prudential Center:
Academy Award-nominated, Golden Globe- and Tony Award-winning performer, Hugh Jackman is bringing his first World Tour to The Rock! Hugh Jackman has made an impression on audiences of all ages with his career persona, as successful on stage in front of live crowds as he is on film. He will be performing hit songs from The Greatest Showman, Les Misérables and much more from Broadway and film, accompanied by a live orchestra.
Each day this week, Justin will have a trivia question. If you're the first to call in at 732-237-WOBM and get the trivia question correct, you'll be going to see Hugh Jackman at the Prudential Center this fall!
Tickets go on sale this Friday, May 3rd, but we have your chance to win them before you can buy them all week with Traffic Jam Trivia, so stay tuned to 92.7 WOBM, the free WOBM app, and WOBM.com!
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