Vote Now for your favorite. This is exciting and this is the last round with the Top 3.

All the high schools did great in this poll, but we're down to the Top 3. We have several schools hoping for that "WIN". I love a friendly competition among our Ocean County High Schools.

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I tried to play several instruments as a youth - the clarinet, flute, and the drums. I just couldn't do it. Looking back now, I guess I didn't give it enough time to learn. The marching band always had a little club and I think I secretly always wanted to be a part of it. That's why I would sit next to them in the bleachers. I wanted to be a part of their passion and school spirit.

We have the "best" marching bands in Ocean County. Even this year with Covid-19, it's not stopping the marching band from performing on a Friday night or Saturday afternoon. They are still in band competition and when I take my daughter to an afterschool activity, I love seeing the marching band practicing in the front of the building.

I love a good competition. Every year I look forward to this "friendly" competition. It's time to vote for the BEST Marching Band in Ocean County. We have your TOP 5 and soon we'll have a final round of voting.

Vote now and let's have some fun with this, share it with your family and friends.👇👇

THIS IS IT, Round 3. Here are our Top 3. Have fun. Vote now.


Sue Moll
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