Need a Job? Toms River Police Department Needs You
This year is almost (thankfully) over. So many great people have lost their jobs due to COVID-19 and the economy. I saw this and I thought, "yes! yes! yes!" If you are the type of person that likes to make a positive impact on the community, this opportunity may be right for you.
The Toms River Police Department is in need of folks to join their team as Class 1 Special Officers. What's that mean? These are not regular police officers with a gun, a vehicle, and all the regular responsibilities. That's right, you likely will not be in high-speed chases, going undercover to break up a drug ring, or providing assistance to the SWAT team. This is a seasonal job. These officers work in the summer months and spend their time on the barrier island of Toms River. They are heavily visible and conduct bicycle patrols, conduct traffic control, and enforcement of local ordinances. They assist in keeping things orderly and according to theToms River Police Department Facebook page may "issue summonses for motor vehicle violations, local ordinance violations, petty disorderly persons violations and disorderly persons violations." Will the job make you rich, no but $15 an hour is not bad for a summer job. Requirements? 18+. US Citizen. HS Diploma. Drivers License. Pass a background investigation. Pass the psychological exam. You got it? You want in? Go for it! For more info or to apply, click here.
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