Medicare beneficiaries, their families and caregivers invited to educational event
UnitedHealthcare is inviting Medicare beneficiaries, their families and caregivers to attend a free, educational event and explore online learning tools during the seventh annual National Medicare Education Week.
Events are being held all week at various locations but on Thursday UnitedHealthcare heads to the Whiting section of Manchester Township at the Whiting Methodist Church at 11:00 am to help ease the concerns and fears people have with medicare and provide them with some answers on what they need to or should be doing.
Here's what you can look for more information on at the event:
- Local UnitedHealthcare representatives will present information and answer frequently asked Medicare questions. A survey of last year's participants showed that 98 percent of respondents reported a better understanding of Medicare as a result of participating in National Medicare Education Week events.
- Walgreens will be onsite to provide blood pressure checks and host "Ask A Pharmacist" booths at select National Medicare Education Week community events across the country.
National Medicare Education Week offers educational events and resources to baby boomers, Medicare beneficiaries, and their families and caregivers and it takes place at an opportune time with the start of Medicare's Annual Enrollment Period getting underway on October 15 and running through December 7.
With more than 10,000 Americans becoming eligible for Medicare every day, the number of people in need of clear information about Medicare is on the rise.
Part of UnitedHealthcare's Medicare Made Clear™ initiative, National Medicare Education Week was established to help meet this demand and help people make informed, confident decisions about their Medicare coverage.
"UnitedHealthcare is privileged to serve more than one in five Medicare beneficiaries nationally," Brian Thompson, CEO, UnitedHealthcare Medicare & Retirement said. "Our goal during National Medicare Education Week is to connect people to Medicare information in their preferred learning environment so they can confidently choose coverage that meets their needs this fall."
National Medicare Education Week supporters include AARP, Caregiver Action Network, National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), UnitedHealthcare, Walgreens, and health care providers and senior centers.
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