Is It OK For Me To Write My Own Obituary?
I read the obituaries in the newspaper on a daily basis and am at times overwhelmed by the number of people who die each day right here in Ocean and Monmouth County. Especially on a Sunday there can easily be two dozen or more and the written obit is as varied as those who have passed away. You have people who lived long fruitful lives with large and loving families and those whose absences might hardly be noticed. I admit to being somewhat fascinated and wondering about these people and the impact they had on their families, friends, co-workers and community. Of course the ones that really stand out are those who for a variety of reasons have left this world way before their time which clearly has happened more in the last year because of COVID-19.
You probably think this is somewhat morbid and depressing but I have been giving thought to my obituary and whether or not I should write at least the initial draft with the hope I won’t need it for a while. I have done way too many tributes (on the radio and in written form) to friends and others who have died and it’s not unusual afterwards for someone to make a comment that they hope I will do the same for them…which is find very bizarre. I try and make light of such requests but I get more enjoyment from marrying people (which I can do) rather than wishing them a fond farewell….from life.
But I do want to go back to writing my obituary. Since many think I’m pretty good at this shouldn’t I be the one to craft my own? I won’t be around to actually see it printed and my family certainly could change it on me but I would hope they would respect my wishes and let it fly.
So with that said and obviously not knowing when here is my opening:
Kevin Williams, age _____ of ______, formerly of Beachwood, NJ died Tuesday shortly after his beloved Penn State Nittany Lions won college football’s national championship by beating Alabama in the Orange Bowl. Williams, who attended the game with his wife, children and grandchildren went with a big smile on his face and his last words were “Roll Tide my ______.”
I’ll work on the rest in the near future.
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