Do You Agree With This Choice For The Best Burger In Ocean County?
Ocean County has some great choices to find a killer burger. So many in fact, that it can be hard to pick a single best spot.
There are some places that specialize in burgers, and proudly tout their specialties.
And there are others where you wouldn't necessarily expect to find a fantastic burger, but it would seem like they excel without even knowing it.
So credit to NJ.com for trying to narrow it down not only once, but 21 times, as they tried to tag the best burgers in each county.
So, who gets the blue ribbon for Ocean County's best?
According to writer Peter Genovese, who presumably had to go on a month long fast after completing this project, The Old Causeway in Manahawkin takes the cake for the best meat on a bun in Ocean County.
He calls out their burger with fried oysters nestled on top of the beef as the reason to check them out.
Personally, I'm all for a little surf & turf every now and then, but I prefer to keep them in separate bites, thank you very much.
So, let the debating begin! Who do you think has the best burger in Ocean County? Weigh in on the comments section and give your favorite some love!
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