Barnegat drug suspect’s flight to freedom short, police say
A suspected heroin pusher in Barnegat has to answer for more than drug charges, after allegedly trying to evade police during a warrant search.
Alexander Robinson, 37, was placed in the Ocean County Jail on August 8, with bail set at $150,000, following a search and chase at his Lexington Boulevard dwelling near Settlers Landing, according to police.
Members of the Barnegat PD Narcotics Unit, Stafford police, the Ocean County Regonal Swat Team and the County Prosecutor's Special Operations Group converged on the house.
Police said that Robinson bolted from the house on foot, and was tracked down by Stafford Township K-9, Ollie, and his partner.
Robinson was charged with possession of heroin, possession with intent to distribute in a recreational zone, obstruction and resisting arrest.
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